Aikon logo AIKON: a computer vision platform for historians

Ségolène Albouy1, Jade Norindr2, Fouad Aouinti3, Clara Grometto2, Robin Champenois1, Alexandre Guilbaud3, Stavros Lazaris4, Matthieu Husson2, Mathieu Aubry1

1 LIGM - Imagine team, École des Ponts, Univ Gustave Eiffel, CNRS, Marne-la-Vallée, France
2 SYRTE, Observatoire de Paris-PSL, CNRS, Paris, France
3 ISCD, Institut de mathématique de Jussieu, Sorbonne Université, Paris, France
4 Orient & Méditerranée - UMR 8167, Collège de France, EPHE, Sorbonne Université, Paris, France
Aikon is a modular platform designed to empower humanities scholars in leveraging artificial intelligence and computer vision methods for analyzing large-scale heritage collections. It offers a user-friendly interface for visualizing, extracting, and analyzing illustrations from historical documents, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration and sustainability across digital humanities projects. Built on proven technologies and interoperable formats, Aikon's adaptable architecture supports all projects involving visual materials.

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Aikon architecture

At its core, Aikon allows researchers to describe their sources, import scans, request automatic processing, and manually refine results. Built on proven technologies and interoperable formats, including established standards such as IIIF, the platform's architecture supports a wide range of visual materials. Aikon's data model, centered around the concepts of Series, Witness, and Content, provides a flexible framework capable of describing diverse source materials while facilitating alignment across varied corpora.

The platform's modular structure enables easy integration of additional functionalities, with current applications including illustration extraction, similarity search, and vectorization. Aikon is not tied to any predetermined analysis methods; all stages can be performed manually or automated, with specialized models customizable to specific datasets. This approach ensures adaptability to various research needs while maintaining reproducibility. By fostering interdisciplinary collaboration and sustainability across digital humanities projects, Aikon aims to assist researchers to explore corpora at an unprecedented scale, helping bridging the gap between advanced computational methods and the nuanced requirements of humanities research.

Key Features

Collaborating Projects


Computer Vision and Historical Analysis of Scientific Illustration Circulation



EdIter et analyser les Diagrammes astronomiques historiques avec l'intelligence Artificielle



Discovering and Analyzing Visual Structures


Platform Interface

To get an account on to try all platform features, don't hesitate to contact us.

Aikon platform

Get Involved

Explore the Aikon project and contribute to its development on GitHub .


    title={AIKON: a computer vision platform for historians},
        Albouy, Ségolène and
        Norindr, Jade and
        Aouinti, Fouad and
        Grometto, Clara and
        Champenois, Robin and
        Guilbaud, Alexandre and
        Lazaris, Stavros and
        Husson, Matthieu and
        Aubry, Mathieu